being there
I spent the afternoon with my mom today. She had her third chemo treatment on Wed., and usually the ten days that follow are so rough on her. She generally would spend this weekend vomiting incessantly, followed by a Mon. doctor visit during which they give her fluids to help with the nausea and the dehydration. But they've given her different meds to combat the nausea this time, and today was much better than any of us had expected. In fact, I brought her a Big Mac of all things (at her request), and she ate almost all of it. Amazing.Most of the day I just lay in bed next to her, talking occasionally, dozing, watching the wavy lines on her TV that is so old it can't be hooked to cable, and generally being there. Why is that so hard for others in my family to understand--that she just wants someone to be with sometimes, just a companion to push away the loneliness and the inevitable despair that is ever at hand, ready to wrap its silky, sinuous arms about her otherwise positive spirit. Several times today she said, "I'm just so glad you're here." I'm just so glad I could be.